
Showing posts from December, 2020

Bimonthly assessment Decemberr

  1) A 55 year old man with Recurrent Focal Seizures Detailed patient case report here:  http://ushaindurthi. old-male-with-complaints-of. html 1. What is the problem representation of this patient and what could be the anatomical site of lesion ?   Reference 2. Why are subcortical internal capsular infarcts more common that cortical infarcts? Lacunar syndromes are clinical manifestations of lacunar infarctions. Lacunar infarctions are defined as small subcortical lesions with a size of less than 15 mm in diameter caused by occlusion of a penetrating artery from a large cerebral artery, most commonly from the Circle of Willis. These penetrating arteries arise at sharp angles from major vessels and are thus, anatomically prone to constriction and occlusion.