52year old male with ascites

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is the case i have seen,

52 year old male farmer and daily wage labourer by occupation came with complaints of abdominal distension since 2 months and indigestion

weight loss and

shortness of breath(grade 2)

Constipation(since 1month)

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months back then patient observed abdominal distension,insidious in onset, gradually progressive

h/o weight loss of about 5-6kgs over 2months

h/o constipation on and off since 1 month

SOB grade 2 since 2months on and off

No h/o pedal edema,facial puffiness

Urine output normal

No h/o hematemesis,malena, Yellowish discoloration of eyes

No h/o frothy urine

c/o dry cough on and off since 2months associated with generalised weakness 

pt has good appetite but after eating food he said he almost always felt abdominal discomfort,belchings,SOB and used antacids very frequently.He started taking less amount of food due to abdominal discomfort since 2months

No h/o fever,burning micturation

Alcoholic since 20years(90ml daily)

smoker since 40years(1 beedi pack /day)

not a k/c/o HTN,DM,CAD,CVA ,Epilepsy


PR 82bpm

BP 80/60mmhg

RR 24/min

Temp 100F

General examination

pt is cachexic

Temporal wasting +

No pallor 

No icterus

cheek bones prominent

Facial muscles wasting+

No lymphedenopathy:


Biceps triceps wasting+

Anterior Ribs protruding out in parasternal area

No dilated veins

No pedal edema

Asterexis absent


s1s2+,No murmurs


Ap diameter:

Transverse diameter:




Shape of abdomen:

No dilated abdominal veins

shifting dullness+

fluid thrill -

Free fluid+

No hepatosplenomegaly

Bowel sounds:


HMF intact

Speech intact

No motor and sensory deficits

No signs of meningeal irritation

RBS 99mg/dl

LFT showing high Gamma gap

Low SAAG ,high protein ascites

1.Ascitic fluid cell count

Appearance: slightly reddish

Total counts 920cells/cumm

Neu 15

Lymphocytes 85

RBC 6-8/hpf

Occasional mesothelial cells

Lymphocyte predominent 

2.SAAG high protein,low saag

3.Ascitic fluid LDH: 407

Tuberculous peritonitis (TP) is identified by ascites with high protein content, a low glucose and low SAAG, elevated ascitic fluid WBC count, and lymphocyte predominance. In TP, the fluid Gram stain and acid-fast stain results are rarely positive, and routine culture results are falsely negative in as many as 80% of cases. A peritoneal fluid protein level greater than 2.5 g/dL, LDH level greater than 90 U/mL, and predominantly mononuclear cell count of more than 500 cells/µL should raise the suspicion of TP, but specificity for the diagnosis is limited. Laparoscopy with visualization of granulomas on peritoneal biopsy and specific culture (which requires 4-6 wk) may be needed for definitive diagnosis.


Diagnosis of tubercular ascites is likely

Upper Gi endoscopy:No esophageal varices

Pt was not affordable for CECT abdomen or laproscopic biopsy ,so started up on empirical ATT from 1/4/2021 ,3tabs according to weight and discharged


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